Healthy teeth and gums are important to your overall wellness. Conga offers coverage through Cigna to help you maintain a healthy smile through regular preventive care and fix any dental problems that may arise.



You can enroll in the dental plan of your choice as a new hire, during Open Enrollment, or if you have a qualifying life event. To see your premiums and enroll, log in to Workday.

Dental plan options

Cigna PPO Basic

A lower-cost dental plan without orthodontia coverage.

Cigna PPO Buy-Up

A dental plan with higher benefits, including coverage for orthodontia.

Key Features at a Glance

Our dental coverage provides:

Free in-network preventive and diagnostic care

to help keep your teeth healthy

Affordable coverage

that helps you manage the cost of dental treatment

Wide network of providers

that have agreed to negotiated rates, which helps you save money

Find a Network Dentist

You may choose to see any in- or out-of-network dentist you’d like, but you’ll generally pay less when you stay in network. Visit Cigna to find an in-network provider near you.


Plan Comparison

Coverage Details

Cigna PPO Basic Cigna PPO Buy-Up
In-Network Out-of-Network* In-Network Out-of-Network*
Annual deductible $50 individual/ $150 family $50 individual/ $150 family $50 individual/ $150 family $50 individual/ $150 family
Annual maximum benefit $1,750 per individual $1,750 per individual $3,250 per individual $2,250 per individual
Preventive You pay $0; no deductible You pay $0; no deductible You pay $0; no deductible You pay $0; no deductible
Basic (includes endodontic and periodontic services) You pay 10% after deductible You pay 10%, after deductible You pay 10% after deductible You pay 10%, after deductible
Major You pay 40% after deductible You pay 40% after deductible You pay 40% after deductible You pay 40% after deductible
Orthodontia Not covered Not covered You pay 50%; no deductible (plan pays up to $2,000/ individual/lifetime) You pay 50%; no deductible (plan pays up to $2,000 per individual/ individual/lifetime)

*If you use an out-of-network provider, you’re responsible for any charges above the usual, customary, and reasonable (UCR) limits.

Use Your Dental Benefits Wisely

Here’s how to make the most of your dental benefits:

Choose a network provider

Each time you need dental care, you have a choice of providers. Selecting a Cigna participating dentist will ensure you receive the highest benefits from your plan.

Submit for a pretreatment estimate.

You should submit a request for a pre-treatment estimate for procedures and services such as crowns, inlays, bridges, and periodontics. For more information, call 800-244-6224.

Check your claim status.

You can review Explanation of Benefits (EOB) statements, check if claims have been paid, and more through Cigna.